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Global Recognition: The Namie Foundation Joins Forces with Gambia's Vice President to Revolutionize Education!

The Namie Foundation Joins Forces with Gambia's Vice President

The Board of Directors of The Namie Foundation, led by its Chairman, Mr. Alhasan Susso, paid a significant courtesy call on the Vice President of The Gambia, His Excellency Muhammed B Jallow, on Wednesday, August 1st, 2023, at the State House in Banjul.

The purpose of the visit was to introduce the foundation's work to the country's second-highest official and outline its plans for operations within The Gambia. The delegation expressed their commitment to complementing the government's efforts in national development, particularly in the education sector.

Vice President Jallow, himself an educator, expressed his delight at the initiative taken by The Namie Foundation. He acknowledged the importance of such initiatives in supporting the country's educational growth and development. The Foundation has already established a strong partnership with the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, The Teacher's Union, The Gambia Organization for the Visually Impaired (GOVI), and the American Embassy to enhance education and support educators in The Gambia. Moreover, Mr. Susso stated that this partnership is expanding to include other NGOs in the education sector and the Gambia College, among others.

In response, Vice President Jallow commended the Foundation's efforts and stressed the significance of motivating teachers to ensure a successful education system. He warmly welcomed Mr. Susso and his team, expressing gratitude for their decision to come back to their homeland to contribute to this noble endeavor. The Vice President further assured The Namie Foundation of the government's support in realizing its work and goals in the country.

Mr. Alhasan Susso's personal connection to The Gambia has played a vital role in the establishment of The Namie Foundation within the country. Although he migrated to the United States as a nearly-blind teenager, Mr. Susso never forgot his roots. His achievements as the 2019 New York State Teacher of the Year, the 2020 NEA National Educator of the Year, and recognition as one of "The Top 50 Outstanding Educators in the World" by the Varkey Foundation in 2017, have given him a global platform to make a difference. Inspired by this recognition, Mr. Susso took the initiative to register The Namie Foundation in The Gambia, aiming to support the country's national development efforts, particularly in education and educators, and uplift the teaching profession in general through civil society initiatives in partnership with the government.

Accompanying Mr. Susso to the State House were the Foundation's Chief Operating Officer, Mrs. Fatou Susso-Jobarteh, and the Public Relations Strategist, Mr. Sanna Camara. Their presence during the courtesy call emphasized the Foundation's commitment to its goals and collaboration with The Gambia's government and educational institutions.

The Namie Foundation's visit to the State House signifies the importance of collaboration between civil society organizations and government bodies in advancing national development goals, particularly in crucial sectors like education. With the government's support and the Foundation's expertise, the future looks promising for the educational landscape of The Gambia.